
Neuchatel Wine Festival

In the beginning of the eleven century, Neuchatel is confirmed first by historical records. In 1011, the king of Burgundy named Rudolf Ⅲ built a new castle, and in 1214 Neuchatel was officially admitted other countries. In the middle of the fourteen century, the plague was spread around Neuchatel, and in sixteen century, people suffered by the serious flood. Therefore, population decreased sharply. But they gradually recovered population. In the first of nineteen century, people insisted change to republic.

In 1848, people were influenced by Revolution of French and they started to revolt against domination of Prussia. Finally, Napoleon Ⅲ intervened this and he formed treaty in Paris. By this treaty, the kings of Prussia became formal ruler. In 2011, Neuchatel will celebrate its 1000th anniversary.

3 件のコメント:

atom さんのコメント...

Some words are difficult for me but I could learn interesting history from your presentation.

yoshi さんのコメント...

I think you choose some difficult words, but there is nice imfomation.

RUKINYO さんのコメント...

There are some difficult to understand words but I think you researched well. I deepen my understanding of this festival, I thought.