

Question 1

Do you search the Internet in English?

Yes (2) Sometimes (2) Often (1)

Question 2

What is the most important thing making blog?

Easy to understand (3) Easy to see (1) Clear (1)

Question 3

How do you feel when you get comments?

Happy (1) Very happy (4)

Question 4

What is most difficult thing?

Write a lot (2) Write detailed (1) Sentence (2)

Question 5

How many friends do you link?

About 10 (5)

Question 6

Did you enjoy blog?

Yes (3) So-so (2)

Question 7

What is your favorite topic?

Movie (3) NZ (2)

Question 8

What topic is the most difficult?

Vacation (1) Festival (1) Movie (3)


My Favorite Blogs

I think this blog is the best in other classes. Because this blog is very easy to read and there are a lot of beautiful pictures. And I am interested in this sentences.

I chose this blog. Because this use various colores and interesting pictures. And there are many links , using nice colores.

I lile this blog, because this blig write a lot and good sentences. This blog use many links each. And There are beautiful pictures.


My Favorite Blogs 1, 2, 3

1. Th4.730 Busted
I think this blog is the best. Because I am interested in these contents and this title is my favorite bands. I like Busted. I often listen to their songs. This blog is easy to read and has interesting links.

2. Th4.711 Take it Easy♪
I think this blog is second. I choose this because she has beautiful and interesting pictures. This blog has many and good links. She uses some colors and simple words, so it is easy to read for me.

3. Th4.728 Friskin g Around
I think this blog is third. Because this blog is nice design and easy to read. This blog uses interesting and beautiful photos. This blog has a lot of Best Mates and good links.

Speech of The White Tailed Spider

I talked about White Tailed spider. The white tailed spider is commonly found in house, hide beds, and within clothes. The size is about twelve millimeters and tail of this spider is white. So, it is calld white tailed spider.

White tailed spider sometimes bites people. This probrem has paid attention from media and doctor for twenty years, because when people are bit, they become bad condition. People who bited must go to hospital to cure.

White- tailed bite is immediately painful. But spider is easy to catch, because the spider has poor eyesigh, move slowly and this spider identity can be confirmed. But you must be careful when you catch it.


Insects of New Zealand

The weta is one of the world's most ancient species still living, with little change in 190 million years. New Zealand has the world's most different weta fauna of 70 endemic species. Seven Deinacrida species of rat-sized giant weta that have survived on offshore islands reach mammoth insect proportions - up to 150mm in length, taking the place of small rodents in the mammal-free ecology. A Little Barrier giant weta D. heteracantha has weighed 71g which is heavier than a thrush. It is the heaviest insect in the world.

Australian spider was first recorded in 1886. It is believed that it came into the country with early colonists and is now well established throughout the North Island. Another species is also known from Nelson and has recently been found in Christchurch. For many years the White-tailed spider was thought to be just the one species Lampona cylindrata but a recent revision of Australasian Lamponidae found that there were 61 species in Australia and just the two mentioned here occur in New Zealand.

The main issue is that a patient has actually been bitten by a White-tail. In the majority of cases, there is no clear evidence a spider was responsible. Sometimes a spider is seen around the place. while in other cases it has been assumed it was a White-tail bite, either by medical personnel or the patient.


Neuchatel Wine Festival

In the beginning of the eleven century, Neuchatel is confirmed first by historical records. In 1011, the king of Burgundy named Rudolf Ⅲ built a new castle, and in 1214 Neuchatel was officially admitted other countries. In the middle of the fourteen century, the plague was spread around Neuchatel, and in sixteen century, people suffered by the serious flood. Therefore, population decreased sharply. But they gradually recovered population. In the first of nineteen century, people insisted change to republic.

In 1848, people were influenced by Revolution of French and they started to revolt against domination of Prussia. Finally, Napoleon Ⅲ intervened this and he formed treaty in Paris. By this treaty, the kings of Prussia became formal ruler. In 2011, Neuchatel will celebrate its 1000th anniversary.


City of Neuchatel

Neuchatel is a city of Switzerland. Neucharel is near a border of France and Neucharel Lake . This city produces grapes and wine. People have cultivated grapes around Neuchatel Lake and introduce wines since about 1000 year ago.

The harvest festival of autumn has long history and tradition. This festival began in 1902. This festival is held in weekend of end of September. This continues for three days. They parade with riding car decollated flowers. Every year, local artists make and design this parade.